Business Intelligence.

Businesses must have a clear, real-time view to their data to get insight into their organisation and rapidly make informed decisions.

Business intelligence Business intelligence

Data-backed business intelligence

If you don’t have an existing Business Intelligence tool or your existing one is not fit for purpose, your competitors are likely lightspeed ahead in understanding opportunities and uncovering issues. That’s why selecting and integrating the right BI system must be a priority.

The right Business Intelligence software, like many core software systems, can be hard to find. There are a plethora of tools on the market and many aspects to consider when selecting the right system.

We’re happy to spend the time with you to take through the end-to-end process of selecting the right BI tool for your business. We’re also more than happy to set you up with a trial of Singlepoint’s BI solution so that you can have a good play around and make sure that it’s the tool for you.

Informed decision making

A good Business Intelligence strategy puts your data in your hands rapidly, visually and accurately to provide you with genuine insight into your business. With this information comes the power to make better decisions that will drive your business forward.

Better insight can help you uncover how to:

Improve customer satisfaction
Improve product and service quality
Improve workforce satisfaction and efficiency

Ultimately, any business intelligence system will help you improve the competitiveness and profitability of your business.

Singlepoint DM also allows you to easily track and check employees are engaging with documents through access logs, competency trackers and training matrices.

Empower every employee to self-serve reports

Taking a low-code approach, the report designer tools in Singlepoint BI are easy to use and require minimal training to ensure users can create clear reports and compelling visualisations.

Beautifully present your data

Singlepoint BI boasts an array of report and dashboard styles that will engage the viewer instantly. You can set up automated reports via Radar BI as well as having a huge range of self-service style dashboards and widgets within which to present your data.

Connect to every data source

Singlepoint also has full REST API capabilities and with our team of specialists to guide and advise, you will be able to collect data from where you need it, in real time.

Get our QMS factsheet

Download our factsheet to learn more about how Singlepoint’s quality management software can help you.

Our QMS case studies

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC UK, a leading provider of powertrain and engine testing services, faced challenges with outdated paper-based quality management processes. Senior Manager Peter Davies sought a modern, integrated solution to streamline operations across multiple sites. By implementing Singlepoint’s adaptable platform, UTAC UK digitised their entire quality management system, including document control, auditing and risk management

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Amcor: Document Management

Amcor: Document Management

“Singlepoint is a very good system for control of documentation. You have everything on the system and it’s user-friendly. Everybody in the company can use it.” – Irene, Quality Systems Manager

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The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company, a US-based developer of OTC products, faced challenges with document management and regulatory compliance under FDA and cGMP guidelines. Adopting Singlepoint’s Document Management System, they transformed their paper-based system into a digital powerhouse, enhancing document security, access control, and audit readiness.

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Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail Europe, Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. and a total railway system supplier offering rolling stock, traction equipment, signalling, traffic management systems and maintenance centres.

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Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink redefines project management in the automotive industry with Singlepoint, gaining total visibility into NPI and APQP tasks

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What is business intelligence software?

Business intelligence (BI) tools and software allow businesses to collect, analyse and visualise large amounts of data and information from across internal and external systems. The purpose of BI software is to transform complex, fragmented information into meaningful and actionable information that can be used to guide decision making across an organisation.

Which modules can Radar BI be used with?

The entire range of modules in the Singlepoint suite can be used with Radar.

Can Radar BI be used to automate reporting?

Yes, you can combine Singlepoint and Radar to produce automated reports at predetermined points in time.  This can be based on simple fixed frequencies and can be set to run upon certain conditions in a process being met.