Lessons Learned.

Our Lessons Learned module is a central repository for knowledge gained from positive or negative outcomes. It allows your team to search and access information by keyword and other parameters, helping them stay skilled and efficient, and better prepared for future challenges.

Deliver a single source of truth

Singlepoint’s Lessons Learned module provides an invaluable knowledge resource for your users to go back to, time and time again, to reuse and re-apply valuable knowledge from pervious experiences.

Connect teams with organisational knowledge

Drive better and quicker problem solving than ever before with a knowledge base that grows with your team’s learning and development.

Drive continuous improvement

Singlepoint’s Lessons Learned module supports and helps deliver your continual improvement programs.

Built for scale

Enterprise wide collaborative workspace; anyone can store new knowledge and anyone can access existing knowledge.

Easy and quick to use

Your users will save huge amounts of time by quickly accessing proven, existing data rather than having to chase down solutions or even re-inventing the wheel.


Our Lessons Learned module is fully integrated with the other Singlepoint modules. Through simple workflow design you can link to multiple modules including New Product Introduction or Corrective Action.


All of the data is highly searchable by various parameters, such as index items or categories, or simple keyword search.

Get our QMS factsheet

Download our factsheet to learn more about how Singlepoint’s quality management software can help you.

Case studies

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC UK, a leading provider of powertrain and engine testing services, faced challenges with outdated paper-based quality management processes. Senior Manager Peter Davies sought a modern, integrated solution to streamline operations across multiple sites. By implementing Singlepoint’s adaptable platform, UTAC UK digitised their entire quality management system, including document control, auditing and risk management

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Amcor: Document Management

Amcor: Document Management

“Singlepoint is a very good system for control of documentation. You have everything on the system and it’s user-friendly. Everybody in the company can use it.” – Irene, Quality Systems Manager

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The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company, a US-based developer of OTC products, faced challenges with document management and regulatory compliance under FDA and cGMP guidelines. Adopting Singlepoint’s Document Management System, they transformed their paper-based system into a digital powerhouse, enhancing document security, access control, and audit readiness.

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Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail Europe, Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. and a total railway system supplier offering rolling stock, traction equipment, signalling, traffic management systems and maintenance centres.

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Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink redefines project management in the automotive industry with Singlepoint, gaining total visibility into NPI and APQP tasks

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What is a lessons learned database or repository?

Continuous Improvement is a central pillar of any high-performing company’s philosophy, and ‘learning lessons’ from mistakes, issues and other process failures is a time-honoured objective.

However, without a system and a formal process, this very well intentioned goal can easily become little more than lip service.  Singlepoint Lessons Learned software is a collaborative tool that helps you identify, record and understand how, where and why things have gone wrong and provides the tools you need to put measures in place to improve your future performance.

Is Singlepoint lessons learned module searchable?

Absolutely! You can search by virtually any criteria stored in Singlepoint, or you can simply search by keyword.

What processes does Singlepoint Lessons Learned module support?
Singlepoint Lessons Learned module has a four step process: investigation, actions taken, actions required and sign-off. You can upload documents and record ad-hoc notes at any time.