EH&S and Compliance Management.

At its heart, your EH&S program is all about your people and making sure that they go home safely from work every day. New technologies offer a tremendous opportunity to improve the safety of your workforce.

EHS & compliance management EHS & compliance management

Make your workplace safer
and more efficient

We believe the key to improving safety is through workforce engagement and participation.

Singlepoint’s mobile Incident App is a prime example of giving employees the right tools at their fingertips. Once you have your people engaged the data will follow.

Data from Singlepoint’s EH&S modules can be fed into our BI tool and you will have real-time access to insights and trends that will help you make your workplace safer and more efficient.

Engage every employee

Engage your workforce and make safety part of the natural working culture. Singlepoint’s Mobile app puts your safety objectives directly in the hands of those that you need to work with the most, your people!

React rapidly with real time insight

Harvest your EH&S data in real time and gain the insights that the data provides. Learn and implement your improvements quickly and target them directly at the risks and problems directly identified from your data.

Make safety a priority

Reduce accidents and incidents and in turn reduce lost working time, costs, insurance claims and foster a safe, healthy and happy working environment.


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Incident management

Singlepoint Incident Manager module will transform the way your run and manage your incident management system. We believe that workforce engagement is the key to really lifting the process to a different level of effectiveness and a great way to achieve that is through the Incident App which works hand-in-hand with our main module.

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Risk management

Singlepoint Risk Manager helps you to identify and manage risk far more quickly and far more effectively than a paper-based approach. Singlepoint’s process is dynamic and collaborative. Each individual risk item is singled out, with controls applied and tasks issued to your team members. In true Singlepoint style, notifications are auto-generated, data is captured, documents are uploaded all into one single source of information.

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Singlepoint Audit Manager will help you to streamline and organise critical audit processes. Manual methods invariably mean a huge disconnect between the users and the process auditors are obliged to plod through reams of paper or electronic files, leading to inefficiencies and even errors. With Singlepoint your users will be using a fully featured app that can run on any phone or tablet and can work off-line until it reconnects to the network.

Get our QMS factsheet

Download our factsheet to learn more about how Singlepoint’s quality management software can help you.

Our QMS case studies

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC UK, a leading provider of powertrain and engine testing services, faced challenges with outdated paper-based quality management processes. Senior Manager Peter Davies sought a modern, integrated solution to streamline operations across multiple sites. By implementing Singlepoint’s adaptable platform, UTAC UK digitised their entire quality management system, including document control, auditing and risk management

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Amcor: Document Management

Amcor: Document Management

“Singlepoint is a very good system for control of documentation. You have everything on the system and it’s user-friendly. Everybody in the company can use it.” – Irene, Quality Systems Manager

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The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company, a US-based developer of OTC products, faced challenges with document management and regulatory compliance under FDA and cGMP guidelines. Adopting Singlepoint’s Document Management System, they transformed their paper-based system into a digital powerhouse, enhancing document security, access control, and audit readiness.

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Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail Europe, Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. and a total railway system supplier offering rolling stock, traction equipment, signalling, traffic management systems and maintenance centres.

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Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink redefines project management in the automotive industry with Singlepoint, gaining total visibility into NPI and APQP tasks

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What are the key element of EH&S management system software?

The key element of an effective EH&SE  management system is the data. Once you have the data you can learn and respond in the most effective way possible. However, to get the data, you need the engagement and participation of your workforce. This is why it is key to select a EH&SE  software that really engages your staff.

Why do I need a EH&SE management system software?

EH&SE  management system software helps you leverage the best that technology offers to manage safety at scale. When people’s lives and well-being are at stake, businesses cannot afford to leave it to chance with fragile, paper based systems.

What is a EH&SE management system?

An effective Environmental, Health, Safety, Environment (EH&SE ) management system is a software system that allows quality, compliance and safety professionals to prevent or mitigate accidents and risks associated with human and environmental factors. 

The goal of an EH&SE system is to enforce and document that an organisation is actively reducing the risk of harm, alongside adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

How can EH&SE software integrate with QMS software?

A fully integrated system that covers quality, health, safety and environmental factors is completely achievable. Using one software product for all activities is often preferable, as you will have natural crossover opportunities with document management, internal audit, equipment safety and calibration, training and corrective / preventative action, all of which would feed into one common database for reporting and data interrogation.