Visual Navigator.

Struggling with digital interfaces that feel detached from your team’s everyday reality? Meet Singlepoint Visual Navigator. More than just design, it’s a completely configurable and customisable visual interface that compliments every aspect of Singlepoint.

Visual Navigator Visual Navigator

Putting users in control

Each role in your organisation has distinct needs and challenges. Operators require swift access to work instructions and drawings. Engineers often grapple with raising crucial engineering change requests. Supervisors and managers constantly seek a clear view of vital operational data. Your CEO may want to review real-time dashboards and process animations.

Most QMS platforms try to serve all these needs with a generic interface, causing inefficiencies. Visual Navigator is different, offering a bespoke solution that aligns perfectly with user preferences.

Deep dive into visual information

Unlike static interfaces, Visual Navigator allows users to navigate and access multiple layers of information through a visual interface. At the heart of the system are hotspots, which allows users to interact with images and information. These hotspots are gateways to deeper, interconnected layers of information, providing a comprehensive view at a single touch.

Drive engagement through design

In the world of software, adaptation often means the difference between success and stagnation. With Singlepoint Visual Navigator’s design-centric approach, we prioritise the user at every turn. By putting an emphasis on intuitive designs and user-focused functionality, users become more invested in their tasks, leading to higher satisfaction and enhanced overall engagement

Integrate with third-party systems

Visual Navigator integrates seamlessly with existing software including ERP systems, PowerBI, and more, ensuring that you have a unified digital experience. Give easy access to relevant information from a single unified command centre.

Customise for every role

A world of hotspots

Visual Navigator allows you to create a rich variety of hotspots, from images and parameterised SVGs, to shapes and links. From embedding real time reports to entire websites, Visual Navigator brings every piece of information to your fingertips. As they are connected to the rest of Singlepoint, animated hotspots and the information they link to will automatically update as you make changes to the underlying database.

Empower through actions

With Visual Navigator, actions aren’t just about navigation. Users can run actions, initiating workflows such as editing an object or even creating a new one. For instance, engineers can effortlessly raise issues directly through an action, streamlining processes and saving time.

Touchscreen optimised for the shop floor

Perfect for touchscreens, our platform ensures quick, intuitive access to data and tasks. With minimal learning curve, workers can view designs, access instructions, or report issues seamlessly.

Simple to create and update

With a self-serve approach, Visual Navigator allows you to drag, drop, and design your interfaces with ease. Moreover, layer management ensures that your images and content are organised within a clear file structure that users can navigate with ease.

“Singlepoint has been a huge success and has delivered precisely what we wanted from the system. In fact, the adoption of Singlepoint has exceeded our original expectations”

- Hitachi Rail Europe, Ltd.

Get our QMS factsheet

Download our factsheet to learn more about how Singlepoint’s quality management software can help you.

Our case studies

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC: Driving Quality and Efficiency with Integrated Quality Management

UTAC UK, a leading provider of powertrain and engine testing services, faced challenges with outdated paper-based quality management processes. Senior Manager Peter Davies sought a modern, integrated solution to streamline operations across multiple sites. By implementing Singlepoint’s adaptable platform, UTAC UK digitised their entire quality management system, including document control, auditing and risk management

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Amcor: Document Management

Amcor: Document Management

“Singlepoint is a very good system for control of documentation. You have everything on the system and it’s user-friendly. Everybody in the company can use it.” – Irene, Quality Systems Manager

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The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company: Document Management

The Mentholatum Company, a US-based developer of OTC products, faced challenges with document management and regulatory compliance under FDA and cGMP guidelines. Adopting Singlepoint’s Document Management System, they transformed their paper-based system into a digital powerhouse, enhancing document security, access control, and audit readiness.

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Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail: Multi-site implementation

Hitachi Rail Europe, Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. and a total railway system supplier offering rolling stock, traction equipment, signalling, traffic management systems and maintenance centres.

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Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink: NPI and APQP

Fablink redefines project management in the automotive industry with Singlepoint, gaining total visibility into NPI and APQP tasks

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How does Visual Navigator ensure that my data stays updated?
Integrated with Singlepoint’s document control module, it ensures real-time updates. Any changes made will automatically reflect across the UI.
Can I customise the UI for different departments in my company?
Absolutely! Visual Navigator is designed to offer role-specific interfaces, catering to the unique needs of different departments.
Is there a steep learning curve associated with Visual Navigator?
Our focus is on user-friendliness. By providing visual interface options and a user-centric approach, adaptation is swift and simple.
How does the Visual Navigator contribute to ROI?
By increasing user engagement and efficiency, you’ll see improved productivity, reduced training costs and a software solution that users love – all of which contribute to a significant ROI.